February 15, 2025
Celler Strasse, Hambühren, Ovelgönne 29314, Germany
Dentistry Medical Sciences and Tutorials Orthodontics

Root Canal Treatment in Children

Root Canal Treatment
Mouth and dental health

Root Canal Treatment in Children

What is Pediatric Dentistry (Pedodontics)?
What is a Decayed Child Tooth, Causes Tooth Decay?
How to Prevent Tooth Decay in Babies?
What is Milk Tooth?
What is Root Canal Treatment?
Is Root Canal Treatment Necessary in Children?
Is Root Canal Treatment Beneficial for Children?
How Do Pediatric Dentists Apply Root Canal Treatment?
What are the Stages of Root Canal Treatment in Children?

Root canal treatment in children is a surgical procedure in which the problematic pulp structure is removed and the rest of the tooth is preserved. Milk teeth have important roles in children’s nutrition and speech. Milk teeth, which act as a guide for the development and proper alignment of permanent teeth, can cause permanent problems if they are lost due to caries or other reasons. Since the permanent teeth will replace the milk teeth, if the necessary care and sensitivity is not shown to the milk teeth, the permanent teeth will not develop properly and the nutrition and speech functions of the children will be retarded. The key to having healthy teeth and mouth structure is to take good care of milk teeth and to apply the necessary treatments in case of caries or other dental problems. Details about primary tooth root canal treatment in children, cases where root canal treatment is a more beneficial option than tooth extraction, and root canal treatment are given in the continuation of the content.

What is Pediatric Dentistry (Pedodontics)?

Pedodontics is a word of Latin origin and means children’s teeth. Pedodontics, which is among the sub-branches of dentistry, deals with the protection, care and treatment planning of permanent teeth as well as milk teeth during childhood, including the age of 12-13, when all teeth are renewed from birth. Pedodontists examine the development of the mouth, jaw and face in general along with the follow-up of tooth development. It also makes preventive and preventive treatment plans when necessary. Although the interests of pedodontists are variable, some of the areas they provide consultancy can be listed as follows:

To raise awareness of children and parents about oral and dental care
Managing the process with children and their parents who fear the dentist
Ensuring the nutrition order of children and babies and monitoring their habits
Root canal treatments or filling treatments of milk teeth and permanent teeth
Follow-up of children’s jaw development and preventive treatment planning
Diagnosis and control of bad oral and dental habits such as thumb sucking
Dental prosthesis applications for children
Tooth extraction

What is a Decayed Child Tooth, Causes Tooth Decay?

Dental caries, known as caries or cavities, means the formation of holes in the fixed parts of the teeth and the formation of permanent damage due to the holes formed. Bacteria, fungi, packaged and preservative-containing foods, sugary foods and beverages, heavy carbohydrate consumption, acidic beverages, frequent snacking, and inadequate oral care and hygiene are among the factors that are held responsible for the development of dental caries. Tooth decay is a common problem in children and babies as well as adults. Tooth decay can occur in infants, and progressive caries may occur in cases where treatment is delayed or inadequate treatment is given. When the holes and pits in the teeth go deep into the tooth layer, serious results such as severe toothache, resistant and spreading infections and tooth loss can be encountered.

How to Prevent Tooth Decay in Babies?

The most effective and reliable way to prevent tooth decay in babies and children is to pay attention to oral hygiene. Healthy and effective brushing, acquiring the habit of flossing, and preventing sleep with milk residues in the mouth, especially in infants, are among the precautions to be taken. One of the important ways to prevent dental caries is to visit the dentist regularly at certain intervals. Healthy communication and regular visits between the child and the dentist at an early age will increase the sensitivity of children to dental health in the rest of their lives. It is important for parents to take time to develop oral care habits in children and babies.

What is Milk Tooth?

Baby teeth are a term used to describe teeth that begin to develop in the embryonic process and usually begin to erupt in the 6th month following birth. The number of milk teeth is 20 in total, 10 in each child’s lower and upper jaws. Most often burst when the child is around 2 and a half years of age. The first tooth to come in is the central incisor in the lower jaw in most babies. The second tooth is often located right next to the first erupting tooth. In adulthood, 32 permanent teeth replace 20 baby teeth. The process of completing the development of teeth can develop differently in almost every child. In some children, milk teeth may erupt earlier or later. When there is concern about the baby’s tooth development, it is recommended to consult a dentist instead of acting on hearsay. The first dental examination of babies can be done before the age of 1 under normal conditions, within 6 months of the first teeth erupting.

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canals are also known as endodontic treatment and were developed to keep various microorganisms such as bacteria, dead or living tissue layers away from the deep parts of the tooth. The dental pulp is the main affected area and is a vital part where the most important functions of the tooth take place. The pulp is located under the enamel layer and forms the center of the tooth. Blood vessels, neural network, connective tissue and pulp are the functional parts of the tooth that show vitality. Pulpectomy (pulp In removal) or root canal treatment is often recommended as an alternative for severely infected teeth scheduled for tooth extraction. Since the roots of the teeth are in tight connection with the gum and jaw bones, the extraction of a tooth that can be saved by root canal treatment can lead to progressive or permanent damage to the gingiva and jaw structure in children. During root canal treatment, very small instruments are used to access the roots of the tooth, to ensure its cleaning and treatment.

Is Root Canal Treatment Necessary in Children?

Root canals are not a procedure used only for adults, contrary to popular belief. Root canal treatment can also be applied to milk teeth. The necessity of root canal treatment, which can be applied to all age groups, cannot be determined precisely, especially in cases where the damage is very extensive. The treatment decision is made by dentists in a personalized manner in accordance with the patient’s characteristics. Root canal procedures are not usually needed in children. Often tooth extractions are a better choice in the management of dental problems in childhood; however, in some cases root canal treatment makes more sense and gives better results. The main situations in which root canal treatment can be preferred for the prevention of tooth loss are as follows:
infected teeth
Presence of dental abscess
Teeth damaged by accident or trauma
Tooth loss that can cause speech problems or eating disorders
Tooth loss that may lead to loss of function of the jaw and tongue

Is Root Canal Treatment Beneficial for Children?

Instead of root canal treatment, the opinion that early loss of teeth in children is not objectionable may be common. The opinion that the lost tooth will be replaced by a new tooth is dominant in the majority of the society; but milk teeth; If it is lost early due to infection, bruises or severe trauma, this can lead to many developmental problems in children. These problems are mainly

speech disorder
Chewing and grinding defects
Misalignment of permanent teeth can be listed as crooked and overlapping teeth.
It is possible to save the tooth with pulpectomy in order to prevent such problems that may negatively affect growth and development in children and cause self-confidence problems. Root canal treatment allows the tooth to fall out naturally in the future.

How Do Pediatric Dentists Apply Root Canal Treatment?

Children with infected tooth problems may experience severe pain, tooth sensitivity, and inflammation in the surrounding tissues along with the tooth. In such cases, the main approach should be to consult a dentist for detailed evaluation. Pediatric dentists look for visible primary tooth infections along with a physical examination of the child. In some cases, dental x-rays are among the methods used to make a diagnosis. X-ray gives clearer results in determining the degree of infection and the depth of pulpectomy. When it is decided to apply root canal treatment, there are guidelines that the patient should follow. These include switching to soft and mostly liquid diets, avoiding acidic and sugary foods, and reducing fried food consumption. Antibiotics may sometimes be prescribed by a pediatric dentist if the infection is severe or is at risk of spreading.

What are the Stages of Root Canal Treatment in Children?

Root canal treatment for children has three main approaches. The approach for each child may vary depending on the condition of the tooth or teeth to be treated:

Pulp Treatment: It is the preferred approach when pulp damage is mild. It may be useful if the infection is in its infancy and has not yet completely damaged the tooth. In such cases, the pediatric dentist will repair the damaged tooth, apply antibiotics and coat the tooth without interfering with the pulp. It may be possible to prevent the progression of the infection by applying antibiotics directly to the pulp.
Pulpotomy: One of the popular approaches to root canal treatment for children is partial root canal treatment, known as pulpotomy. If the infection is localized in the upper part of the tooth, pulpotomy is a good choice. Removing only the infected pulp without interfering with the healthy pulp part is important for the protection and stabilization of the tooth. In the pulpotomy method, antibiotic therapy and closure of the tooth are applied.
Pulpectomy: It is the procedure in which root canal treatment is applied fully. This process requires serious precision and expertise. The tooth is first disinfected and the channels are shaped and progressed. In the final stage, the tooth is covered. The common protocol in all treatment approaches is the application of local anesthesia. Local anesthesia relaxes the child mentally and physically and ensures that the procedure is painless.
Delay in the diagnosis and treatment of dental problems in children and infants can lead to problems that may affect their future lives. In the presence of oral and dental symptoms, it is recommended to apply to a health care provider and undergo a comprehensive oral and dental examination.