July 3, 2024
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Cosmetics Medical Sciences and Tutorials

Skin Care Cosmetics – Shave Cosmetics

black and brown coffee cup
Skin Care Cosmetics

Shave Cosmetics

They are cosmetic products used by men for beard shaving and after shaving.

The main purposes in the use of these products are to facilitate the cutting of the beard, to prevent irritation of the skin during shaving and to relieve the skin after shaving.


Cosmetics Used for Wet Shaving

The main function of the products used for wet shaving is to soften the beard and allow the razor blade to glide smoothly over the skin. The features that these products should have can be listed as follows:

– It should not be irritating to the skin.

– It should ensure that the cut hairs are easily removed from the face.

– When applied on the skin, shaving cream should not dry before shaving.

– Physical and chemical resistance must be ensured.

Softening occurs as a result of the bristles absorbing water. Meanwhile, the hot water increases the rate of absorption of water by the hair. The softening rate of the beard may vary depending on the presence of wetting agents, increasing its pH or removing sebum on the hair.

black hair brush beside brown powder in clear glass jar

Foaming Shaving Creams

They are products that consist of small air bubbles, can form dense foam, spread easily on the brush and on the skin, can be easily removed with water, have good heating properties and do not cause irritation. They are preferred products because they soften the beard well. Since the pH value is around 10, it can have a drying effect on the skin.

Application Method

The beard area is pre-wetted with water. A sufficient amount of shaving cream is put on the wet beard brush. The beards are softened by foaming the cream on the beard brush with circular movements in the beard area.

Foaming Shaving Sticks

These products are obtained by mixing the mixture containing 80% fatty acid soap, 5-10% glycerin and 8-10% water into chips and drying, then mixing with color, odor and opacity agents and then shaping. It is similar to foaming shaving creams in terms of fatty acid and soap ratio.

Application Method

The beard area is pre-wetted with water. The beard brush is wetted in water and lathered by applying circular movements to the foaming shaving stick. Then, it is applied to the face with circular movements to ensure the foaming and softening of the beards.

Shaving Foams

The basis of these products, which are packaged in aerosol form, are Y/S emulsions. This structure is formed as a result of the dispersion of the propellant, which has become liquid under pressure, in the mixture consisting of the aqueous phase or the surfactant (foaming). During spraying, droplets consisting of surfactant and water mixture on the outside and propellant gas on the inside spread into the air. As the pressure returns to normal, the gas in the droplets evaporates immediately and foam is formed, consisting of a water-surfactant mixture.

Application Method

The beard area is pre-wetted with water. Shaving foam is handled by spraying a sufficient amount from its aerosol form. It spreads to the beard area with light movements and waits for a short time to soften.

Post-Foaming Aerosol Gels

These products, which are packaged in aerosol containers and have gel properties, form foam on the skin surface by the evaporation of some substances with low boiling point in the structure after they are applied to the face.

Application Method

The beard area is pre-wetted with water. A sufficient amount of gel is taken from the aerosol container to the hand. It is applied to the face and foamed. It should be waited for a short time for softening.

Non-Foaming Shaving Creams

These products, which are used without brush and do not foam, are emulsions with Y/S feature. These products give the skin a matte appearance without causing any irritation after shaving.

Application Method

It is recommended to wash the face with soap and water before using these products, as emulsion water is difficult to wet the beard and soften it. Then non-foaming shaving creams are applied to wet skin. During application, the layer on the skin softens the skin during shaving, reducing possible damage. Having pH values of 7.5–8.5 ensures less irritation.

Products Used for Dry Shaving

Shaving with an electric shaver is called dry shaving. During this process, the beard must be dry. In addition, the removal of the layer formed by perspiration from the surface reduces the friction on the skin with the machine, resulting in a more effective shaving.

There are products in the form of solutions, sticks and powders prepared for this purpose.

Products in the form of solutions create an astringent effect, hardening the beard a little and stimulating the chilling muscles to keep the hairs as straight as possible. It is desired that they evaporate the existing moisture on the face in a short time by drying quickly, and the pH value should be at a level that makes shaving easier by causing the hairs to swell.

Those prepared in stick form contain some alcohol. The purpose here is to make the alcohol harden the hair and make it easier to cut by the shaver. Another product prepared in the form of sticks is prepared to absorb the oil and sweat gland health on the skin.

Powder products are usually presented to the consumer in aerosol containers. It contains talc in its structure and is applied to the skin by spraying.

After Shave Products

During wet or dry shaving, the outermost dead layer of the skin is lost as well as removing the hairs. Damage and irritation are especially important at the points where the hairs emerge from the skin. It also causes more or less chemical irritation on the skin during shaving. Aftershave products are used for the following reasons.

– Skin relaxation

– Elimination of irritation

– Softening of the skin by eliminating the feeling of tension

– Prevention of possible infection due to shaving

These products are also prepared in lotion, gel, foam and powder forms and offered for use.

Lotion-type aftershave products are basically aqueous, alcoholic clear solutions containing perfume. It contains moisturizing agents in their structure. It also contains emollient substances to eliminate the feeling of tightness in the skin.

Gel-shaped products are formed by turning the solution form into a gel with a gel-forming agent. Their structures are the same as solutions. The alcohol they contain can dry and irritate the skin.

Foam products are solutions in the form of products that are used by spraying directly on the face. There are also types that are applied to the skin after being squeezed into the palm in the form of foam, and the foam is broken at this stage.

Prepared in powder form, they cover small scratches or wounds after shaving and prevent the skin from shining.