July 3, 2024
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Cosmetics Medical Sciences and Tutorials

Skin Care Cosmetics – Masks

woman lying on blue towel with white cream on face
Skin Care Cosmetics


They are cosmetics that clean the skin and the pores of the skin, moisturize and nourish the skin thanks to the moisturizing and nourishing substances it contains.

A good mask should have the following features:

– It should have a smooth and homogeneous structure.

– It should be removed without damaging the skin.

– It should not cause a feeling of tension by causing dryness on the face.

– It should help nourish the skin by cleaning it.

– The ingredients must be natural.

It increases the temperature of the skin surface by covering the face in the form of a film layer. In this way, it expands the capillaries and gives the skin a slight pinkness after application.

All masks contain molecules that cleanse and make the skin transparent. While the masks dry on the face, the residues on the skin surface adhere to these molecules and are removed from the skin by cleaning the mask.

The effects of masks on the skin can be listed as follows:

– Correcting the appearance of the skin

– Nourish the skin

– Moisturize

– Cleanse

– Compressing the pores

– Accelerate blood circulation in the skin

– To provide elasticity and tension to the skin

– Reducing blemishes on the skin surface

woman with white face mask holding green fruit

Types of Skin Masks

Vinyl / Rubber Based Masks

The vinyl or rubber in the structure of these masks allows the mask to form a film layer on the skin, such as acetate. After the masks are applied to the skin, the solvents in their structure evaporate and the remaining part covers the skin surface as a thin film. During the drying of this layer, which remains on the face for 10-30 minutes, a tightening of the skin is felt along with the feeling of coolness. Thanks to this waterproof film layer, moisture loss of the skin is prevented, the temperature of the skin increases and blood circulation accelerates.

These peel-off masks can be prepared in two different forms. The first one is the masks that have a transparent or semi-transparent appearance and form an invisible layer on the skin after drying. They provide moisture, softening and cleansing of the skin. The second group is those prepared in the form of cakes. These are generally in powder form and are used by mixing with water in the specified proportions. These masks, which have an opaque appearance, are peeled off again after freezing on the skin and removed from the skin.

Since these peel-off masks take the keratin layer of the skin during this process, 1-2 applications a week are sufficient. In addition, these masks can also break the quince hairs on the face during the peeling process, causing them to come out darker and stronger. For this reason, it is not suitable for people with excessive hair growth on the face.

Application Method

Transparent ones of vinyl / rubber based masks are taken from the box in a small amount in a small amount. Powder-based ones are placed in a bowl and the specified amount of water is added and mixed until a homogeneous appearance is obtained. With the help of a brush, both masks are applied in a thin layer on the entire neck and face, except around the eyes, with movements in the direction of the muscle. The mask is kept on the skin until it dries or as long as the manufacturer recommends. At the end of the waiting period, it is peeled off slightly and removed from the skin.

Candle Based Masks

It usually consists of beeswax or paraffin wax. These masks are solid at room temperature. For application to the skin, they must be melted. These masks, which have astringent and calming effects, are especially suitable for mature skin. It can be used on all skin types except blemish-prone skin and sensitive skin.

Application Method

Masks that are solid at room temperature are melted in a suitable and clean container. It is cooled to a few degrees above skin temperature. Then it is applied either directly on the skin with a brush or on the gauze covered on the skin with a spatula. The parts of the gauze that come into the mouth and nostrils should be prepared by cutting and should not be applied around the eyes. While the hot mask applied on the skin hardens as a moisture-proof layer, a tightening is felt on the skin. Due to its moisture-proof feature, it moisturizes and softens the skin. These masks, which are removed from the skin by peeling or removing the gauze, are not suitable for use on skin with couperose and acne. Because the heat factor causes negative effects on this type of skin.

Hydrocolloid Based Masks

These products are masks produced in the form of a dry powder packaged to be mixed with warm water later, or in the form of a very dense liquid / solid gel that is not runny. Since these masks do not contain enough solids to absorb the dirt on the skin surface, they are not sufficient for cleaning the skin. For this reason, it is not suitable for use on skin with large pores, acne and blackheads. It is possible to obtain masks with different properties by adding different plant extracts or aromatic oils to the structures of hydrocolloid masks.

Application Method

Powdered hydrocolloid masks are placed in a bowl in the dimensions specified by the manufacturer. Add the specified amount of warm water on it and mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. The solid ones are used by melting them in hot. Both types of masks are applied in a thin layer on the entire face and neck, excluding the eye area, with circular movements in the direction of the muscle, with the help of a brush. It is left to dry. At the end of the period, it is removed from the skin by wiping and washing or with the method recommended by the manufacturer.

Clay Based Masks

Also known as cake or mud mask. These are presented to the market either as ready-to-mix powder or as ready-to-use mixtures. The clay in their structure must be sterilized before being added to the product. Due to the very high absorbency of the clay, its cleaning effects on the skin are also very high. Therefore, it is suitable for use on oily skin. After the product is applied to the skin, the water in its structure starts to evaporate. A layer that gradually shrinks and hardens is formed.

Application Method

The powdered clay mask is put into the bowl in sufficient quantity. Add lukewarm water until it has a light mud consistency. Ready-made masks, on the other hand, are put in a bowl in sufficient quantity. With the help of a brush, both masks are applied in a thin layer on the entire face and neck, except around the eyes, with circular movements in the direction of the muscle. A time of 15-20 minutes is determined for it to dry. During the procedure, the person should not make any mimic movements. At the end of the waiting period, it is removed from the skin by wiping or washing.

Apart from these mask types, there are also foam or cream masks prepared by cosmetic companies for different skin types. Masks of this nature are applied to the skin in a thin layer. The application is done by hand in foam masks and with a brush in cream masks. The mask, which is kept on the skin for the recommended time, is fed to the entire skin with light massage movements at the end of the period. It is not cleaned from the skin.

Face masks should never be applied around the eyes.

While the masks are kept on the skin, no mimic movements should be made and the mask should not be cracked.

Masks should be cleaned very well so that no residue is left on the skin.