July 3, 2024
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Cosmetics Medical Sciences and Tutorials

Skin Care Cosmetics – Compressors

Clinique cosmetic bottle
Skin Care Cosmetics


Compressing the skin is the second stage of skin care and cosmetic products used for this purpose are called tonics.

We can list the functions of astringents on the skin as follows:

– It compresses the skin pores, thus protecting the skin from external factors that may clog it.

– It provides disinfection effect on the skin.

– It reduces the possibility of oiling by controlling the sebum secretion of the skin.

– It refreshes the skin and gives a slight cooling sensation.

– It accelerates blood circulation and allows the skin to be nourished by blood.

– Some tonics may have a partially exfoliating effect on the skin.

– It ensures the removal of cleaner residues, if any, after the cleaning process.

Types of Astringent Cosmetics

white labeled bottles on yellow plastic container

Compressors with a High Alcohol Content

The alcohol content of astringents can reach up to 60% depending on the skin type. Compressors of this nature are suitable for oily, combination, acne-prone and large-pored skin types.

However, since the high alcohol content can cause significant dryness on the skin, emollient substances such as lanolin and its derivatives can be added to the content. Again, in the structure of some astringents prepared for the same skin types, there is clay that absorbs the excess sebum secretion of the skin. By adding surfactants to the structure of some tonics, bactericidal products are also obtained. These are especially important in terms of cleaning and disinfection of acne-prone skin.

Low-Alcohol Compressors

Compressors that contain little or no alcohol in their structure are suitable for use on dry, sensitive and thin skin. Their astringent effect is provided by extracts of the hamamelis plant, which is an astringent substance. Since these compresses do not contain alcohol in their structure, it ensures that especially sensitive, dry and thin skins are compressed without drying, without feeling of stretching and without wearing the skin.

Application Method

The application method of all compactors is the same, it does not differ according to their types. They are applied to the skin by hand or with the help of cotton. Sufficient amount of astringent handled in manual application is fed into the skin with light buffering movements of all fingers and palms. In the application made with cotton, a sufficient amount of astringent poured on slightly moistened cotton is applied to the skin with light buffer movements. It is important to apply with cotton, especially on skin with acne problems, so that you do not come into contact with bacteria on the skin. In both methods, the issue to be considered is that the entire application should be done with pad movements containing light pressure. Wiping, stroking movements should not be done.

Another technique for applying astringents is spraying. It is applied by lightly spraying the tonic on the skin, which is put on the market as a spray or put in a clean spray can. Although it is an effective method as it provides an even distribution on the skin, it is necessary to be careful in use as product contact may occur during spraying to unwanted areas.

All astringents should avoid contact with the eye area. During application, care should be taken not to get the product into the mouth, eyes and nose.