June 29, 2024
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Medical Sciences and Tutorials Surgery

What is Gallbladder Surgery? Cholecystectomy

What is Gallbladder Surgery? Cholecystectomy

What is Gallbladder Surgery? Cholecystectomy

The gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ located just below the liver on the right side of the abdomen. The gallbladder stores a fluid called bile (digestive fluid), produced by the liver and used to break down fatty foods. The gallbladder plays an important role in the digestive system thanks to this task. Some of the conditions that cause gallbladder disease in general and require gallbladder surgery include; gallstones, inflammations, and tumors may be involved. At the beginning of the symptoms caused by these conditions, abdominal pain, bloating, yellowing of the skin and eyes can be found. For more detailed information about “Galbladder surgery”, you can follow the rest of the article.

What is Gallbladder Surgery?
What are the Conditions That Will Require Gallbladder Surgery?
Gallbladder Surgery Duration
What are the Complications of Gallbladder Surgery?
What Should Be Considered After Gallbladder Surgery?
Gallbladder Surgery Prices

What is Gallbladder Surgery?

Gallbladder surgery, also called cholecystectomy in medicine, is a surgical operation that basically involves the removal of the gallbladder. Gallbladder surgery can be performed as an emergency or on a planned basis, depending on the severity of the symptoms and the general health of the patient. If the surgery is not performed when necessary, this situation may worsen and become life-threatening. Surgery is usually performed in two different types, laparoscopic and open surgery. Both types of surgery are performed under general anesthesia. If the gallbladder surgery is detailed according to the way it is done, it can be examined under two main headings;


Laparoscopic surgery is the most common method used in gallbladder surgery. In this method, 2-3 cm wide incisions are made in the abdomen from certain areas. The surgeon performing the surgery inflates the abdomen using CO₂ (carbon dioxide gas) gas to reach the gallbladder. An instrument with a light and camera is inserted into one of the incisions, so that the inside of the abdomen can be viewed on the monitor. Through the other incision, surgical instruments are inserted and the gallbladder is removed. The entire process is completed within 1 to 2 hours. Since there is a smaller incision area in laparoscopic surgery, it is possible for patients to recover in an average of 2 weeks and the surgical scars to pass in a shorter time.

OPEN Gallbladder SURGERY

Open surgery is a type of surgery used in some cases where the laparoscopic method cannot be applied. Examples of these situations are surgical wounds that have been previously and still not healed, or situations where the gallbladder cannot be reached by laparoscopic surgery. With open surgery, a large incision area of 10 to 20 cm in width is opened on the abdomen. The gallbladder is removed with surgical instruments. The surgeon may insert several drains to control excess bile fluid during the operation if necessary. Open gallbladder surgery is completed within 1-2 hours and patients can stay in the hospital for 5-6 days. Full recovery is achieved in an average of 6 to 8 weeks.

What are the Conditions That Will Require Gallbladder Surgery?

At the beginning of the conditions that will require gallbladder surgery, severe and sometimes back pain caused by gallstones comes. This type of abdominal pain is of the severe and sudden onset type. Abdominal pains can sometimes be accompanied by digestive problems, nausea, vomiting and fever. Some of the conditions that cause these complaints in patients and require surgery are as follows:

Gallstones: Gallstones are hard particles that form in the gallbladder. The stagnation and deterioration of the structure of the bile stored in the gallbladder cause gallstones. As gallstones come out of the gallbladder, they can block the gallbladder and cause inflammation there.
Tumor: Any tumor cell can interfere with the normal flow of bile from the gallbladder. Tumors in the gallbladder cause a buildup of bile, a condition that will require surgery.
Bile Duct Obstruction: Bile duct obstruction can cause cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder) due to gallstones and thickened bile tissue. Bile duct obstruction also; It can also occur as a result of scarring (adhesion) or bending of the bile ducts.
Infections: AIDS and some viral infections can cause gallbladder damage.
Some Diseases: Some diseases that are severe can damage blood vessels and impair blood flow to the gallbladder.

Gallbladder Surgery Duration

Gallbladder surgery is a surgical intervention that takes approximately 1 or 2 hours. This specified time is completed in approximately the same time, regardless of whether the surgery is open or closed. However, in some cases, the duration of gallbladder surgery may vary. As an example of these situations; the patient’s age, weight, existing diseases, general health conditions or complications during the operation can be given. Gallbladder surgery generally includes some procedures that proceed according to the routine operation of the surgery. These include a number of procedures, including the preparations before the surgery, the surgery itself, and post-surgery.

In addition, the recovery period of gallbladder surgery varies according to the type of surgery performed. In laparoscopic surgery, it may be possible to be discharged the same day or the next day. Recovery and return to normal life is approximately 2 weeks. In the open surgery method, the recovery period is longer. It may be necessary to stay in the hospital for 5-6 days after the operation. Full recovery and returning to routine activities may take 3-4 weeks to 7-8 weeks, depending on what you do.

What are the Complications of Gallbladder Surgery?

After gallbladder surgery, patients can generally continue to live their lives normally. Removal of the gallbladder does not cause any deficiencies or health problems in people. The fluids flowing from the liver to the gallbladder for storage are directly mixed into the blood without being stored after the gallbladder is removed, and this does not pose a problem. However, as after every surgery, some temporary and short-term side effects can be seen after gallbladder surgery. In general, some of the complications that can be seen after gallbladder surgery are as follows:

Infection of the surgical wound
Bile leak
Damage to the bile duct
Injury to the small intestine and large intestine
Apart from these side effects, some patients may develop advanced complications after surgery. However, such serious side effects are rare and require immediate medical attention. Some of the situations that will require emergency medical attention after gallbladder surgery are as follows:

fever higher than 38 degrees
Severely painful and swollen abdomen
yellowing of skin color
Pain that does not go away despite using painkillers
A persistent cough and respiratory distress
Blood, pus, etc. from the surgical wound. currents come
Nausea and vomiting
If one or more of these symptoms are observed, a healthcare provider should be consulted without delay.

What Should Be Considered After Gallbladder Surgery?

After gallbladder surgery, there are some care and treatment methods that patients should apply. Applying them correctly can ensure that the surgical scar and other side effects, as well as the healing process, pass faster and more comfortably. Some of the points to be considered after gallbladder surgery are:

Regular dressing of the surgical wound
To take the drugs prescribed by the doctor at the recommended dose and time
Drinking plenty of water and eating a high-fiber, grainy, protein-based diet
Avoiding fatty, sugary, caffeinated foods and beverages and dairy products
taking a brisk walk
get plenty of rest

Gallbladder Surgery Prices

Gallbladder surgery prices may differ according to many parameters. One of the most important factors that determine the prices of the surgery is the choice of hospital and surgeon. In addition to the equipment and quality of the hospital where the operation will take place, the experience of the surgeon and other health personnel who will perform the operation are also factors that determine the price of the operation. In addition to these, the surgical method to be performed, the length of stay in the hospital and the treatments applied to the patient are other factors that determine the price of the surgery. For these reasons, it is not possible to clearly state the gallbladder surgery prices as they may vary for the patient.

If you are experiencing some symptoms or complaints about the gallbladder, you can apply to a health institution to determine whether this situation requires surgery.

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