July 6, 2024
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Dentistry Medical Sciences and Tutorials

Laser Teeth Whitening

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Mouth and Dental Health

Laser Teeth Whitening

What is Laser Teeth Whitening?
How Many Sessions Does Laser Teeth Whitening Take?
Is Laser Teeth Whitening Applicable to Everyone?
How Long Does the Effect of the Laser Teeth Whitening Method Last?
Considerations After Laser Teeth Whitening
Laser Teeth Whitening Prices

Healthy and clean looking teeth are important for a beautiful smile. Many people want to have whiter-looking teeth, both in terms of aesthetics and hygiene. Some people’s teeth are never completely white due to genetic factors. In addition, external factors such as excessive consumption of tea, coffee, harmful habits such as smoking and alcohol can cause discoloration of the teeth over time. Color changes in the teeth can be removed with the bleaching method. One of the commonly used teeth whitening methods today is the laser teeth whitening method. For more information about the laser teeth whitening method, you can read the rest of the article.

What is Laser Teeth Whitening?

Today, the teeth whitening method can be performed in two different ways as home type and office type teeth whitening method. Office type teeth whitening method is applied by experts in the clinical environment of the teeth. Laser teeth whitening method is also applied by experts in the field in a well-equipped clinic. During teeth whitening applications, agents with whitening properties such as carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide are applied to the patient’s teeth. Before these agents are applied, a protective barrier is attached to prevent damage to the patient’s gums. Then, a protective goggle is put on the patient to protect the eyes from laser beams. Then agents with whitening properties are applied.

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How Many Sessions Does Laser Teeth Whitening Take?

In laser teeth whitening method, unlike other office-type methods, whitening agents are made more effective with the help of heat. It is not the laser that performs the whitening process during the method, but the whitening gel can affect the teeth more easily thanks to the laser heat and rays. Laser teeth whitening is usually a method with successful results in a single session. However, depending on the discoloration of the teeth, in some cases, it may be necessary to use home bleaching methods after laser teeth whitening. The laser teeth whitening method is usually completed in 30-60 minutes.

Is Laser Teeth Whitening Applicable to Everyone?

According to experts, laser teeth whitening is a reliable method. However, in some cases, laser teeth whitening may not be an appropriate treatment option for patients. Candidates who are not suitable for the laser teeth whitening method can be listed as follows:

People with caries and/or lesions on the roots of their teeth,
pregnant women,
Those with extreme tooth sensitivity
People in the advanced age group with gingival recession may not be suitable candidates for laser teeth whitening.

How Long Does the Effect of the Laser Teeth Whitening Method Last?

The majority of people who want to get rid of the discoloration of their teeth and have whiter teeth wonder how long their teeth will stay white after the whitening procedure. During the laser teeth whitening application, whitening agents are applied to the teeth. Therefore, the effects of the laser teeth whitening method can last longer when compared to home-type methods. After the application, the whiteness effect on the teeth can last from a few months to 3 years. The duration of the whitening effect varies depending on some factors. These factors are as follows:

The original color of the teeth,
Harmful habits such as smoking and alcohol,
Depending on factors such as excessive consumption of beverages such as tea and coffee, discoloration of the teeth may occur in a shorter time than expected.

Considerations After Laser Teeth Whitening

In order to get positive results from teeth whitening applications, the patient and the doctor must act together. Laser teeth whitening, applied by a team of experts in a well-equipped clinic, usually yields successful results. However, it is important for patients to pay attention to their oral and dental care after the procedure. In addition to brushing the teeth regularly and using dental floss, consuming food and drinks with coloring properties as little as possible, avoiding harmful habits such as smoking and alcohol can help teeth stay white for longer.