November 22, 2024
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Embedded 20-Tooth Extraction

Embedded 20-Tooth Extraction
Embedded 20-Tooth Extraction

Embedded 20-Tooth Extraction – Wisdom Teeth

Many people have impacted wisdom teeth. However, the number of people who do not apply to the dentist because of the wisdom tooth extraction or who apply after some problems is quite high. The process of removing impacted teeth is quite easy today. With current health technologies and developing medical science, dentists aim to minimize complications that may occur after the operation. Individuals can usually resume their normal lives immediately after tooth extraction. You can follow the rest of the article to learn more about the embedded wisdom tooth extraction.

What is Embedded 20 Teeth?
How Is Embedded 20 Tooth Extraction Performed?
Embedded 20 Dental Surgery
After Embedded 20 Tooth Extraction
Those Who Have Embedded 20 Tooth Extraction
The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Embedded 20 Tooth Extraction
Embedded 20 Tooth Extraction Prices

What is Embedded 20 Teeth?

Except for wisdom teeth, also known as wisdom teeth, all permanent teeth are usually completed in childhood. The 20 teeth, which have a total of 4 in the mouth, begin to erupt in adulthood. Depending on the jaw structure or the size of the tooth, the wisdom tooth can easily come out in some individuals, while it comes out in the long term in some individuals. In some people, all or part of the tooth remains embedded in the jaw. There may be many reasons for this. In cases where the wisdom tooth remains impacted, the following questions may arise:

Negative impact on the jaw structure
Deformities and risk of decay in other teeth
Regular abscess of wisdom teeth (inflammation of tooth roots and gums)
Bad breath
lymph node swelling
gum sensitivity
In the period when wisdom teeth begin to erupt, a dentist should be consulted and the teeth should be kept under control. It is not necessary to extract the teeth of every individual whose wisdom teeth are impacted. If the patient’s jaw structure is suitable, the dentist can apply to different treatment methods and help the wisdom tooth come out more easily. The wisdom teeth, which cannot be removed by being embedded in the jaw and pose a risk of caries in the surrounding teeth, are removed with the necessary medical intervention.

How Is Embedded 20 Tooth Extraction Performed?

In individuals whose jaw structure is not suitable, impacted wisdom teeth should be extracted. Impacted tooth extraction is not as scary as it seems. Necessary treatment is applied according to how much of the tooth is impacted and the position of the tooth in the mouth. Diagnosis and treatment methods of embedded wisdom tooth extraction generally vary from person to person. If a large part of the tooth is removed and some of it is buried, it can be extracted without the need for surgery with the decision of the specialist physician.

Embedded 20 Dental Surgery

If the tooth is too stuck to come out, completely embedded in the jawbone or at an angle that is not suitable for eruption, it should be surgically removed by a specialist dentist. Before the operation, the condition of the tooth is evaluated with some blood tests and x-rays requested by the specialist physician. Antibiotic therapy can be started if necessary. In such cases, necessary surgical intervention is performed after the antibiotic treatment is finished. Impacted tooth extraction is performed by specialist dentists and assistants by anesthetizing the root of the 20 tooth with a needle and then pulling it out. Before the injection, spray-derived anesthetics are applied to make the patient feel the injection less. The operation is also performed in a very short time under local anesthesia. During the operation, the skin where the tooth is embedded is cut and the tooth is extracted. The opened area is closed with stitches and the process is completed. Pain is not felt during the extraction of wisdom teeth with or without surgery. Patients can go home comfortably after the procedure.

After Embedded 20 Tooth Extraction

A slight swelling may be felt in the mouth for a while after the operation. The healing area may ache from time to time. This is a normal situation. Nothing should be consumed for 2 hours after the impacted tooth extraction. Smoking and alcohol should be avoided for a few days. Very hot, very cold and acidic foods and drinks should not be consumed during the period specified by the doctor. Such foods are stimulating and may delay healing of the operated area. After the impacted tooth surgery, the stitches disappear over time and healing takes place. After tooth extraction, the personal warnings of the specialist dentist must be followed. In case of pain, the pain can be alleviated to some extent with the painkillers recommended by the physician.

Those Who Have Embedded 20 Tooth Extraction

Individuals who have an impacted wisdom tooth extraction may face side effects such as pain and swelling for a short time; but in the long run, oral health is positively affected. Since the pressure caused by the wisdom teeth on the other teeth will decrease, the risk of tooth decay decreases. In some cases, teeth that are deformed due to congestion may improve over time.

The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Embedded 20 Tooth Extraction

Many people have impacted wisdom teeth. Since the surgical removal of the impacted tooth can often cause fear in individuals, many people prefer not to go to the dentist. This may cause damage to other teeth and deterioration of oral health in the long run. Some of the questions and answers about the embedded wisdom tooth extraction are given below.

Should All Impacted Wisdom Teeth Be Extracted?

Not all impacted teeth have to be extracted. According to the jaw structure, the dentist makes the healthiest decision and applies it. If the tooth has damaged or may damage the surrounding teeth and gums, removing your tooth may be the most appropriate decision. Keeping a wisdom tooth in a harmful position in the mouth can cause caries, cysts or tumors in the mouth in the long term.

Why do wisdom teeth erupt late or remain impacted?

Wisdom teeth, which are the last permanent teeth to erupt, cannot come out because they cannot find enough space in the mouth if the jaw develops slowly or insufficiently due to various reasons. In some cases, the position of the wisdom tooth is not suitable for removal and remains impacted. This is quite common nowadays. In some individuals, wisdom teeth begin to erupt over time, although it is later than other individuals. In this situation, the late opening of the jaw for the tooth plays a role.

What do wisdom teeth do?

Wisdom teeth are teeth that aid in chewing. In ancient times it was thought to help grind harder foods. After the milk teeth fall out, 28 permanent teeth emerge during childhood. In individuals over the age of 20, the jaw expands a little and makes room for 4 20 teeth. After sufficient space is opened in the mouth, impacted wisdom teeth begin to emerge.

Are there any harm or side effects of wisdom tooth extraction?

There is no harm or permanent side effect of wisdom tooth extraction. After the wisdom teeth are removed, which helps to grind the food, the individual can continue his life without any deficiency.

How long does it take to heal after wisdom teeth are removed with surgery?

Mild complications may occur after wisdom teeth surgery. After the necessary precautions and treatments are applied, recovery takes place in a short time. Recovery time may vary depending on the operation area. In order not to prolong the healing process, the operation area should not be manipulated with a hard object or tongue. Stimulant and extremely hard foods should not be preferred for a while.

Which department should I go to for embedded wisdom tooth surgery?

The treatment of a wisdom tooth embedded in the jaw is carried out by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. However, you can also refer to any dentist. The dentist makes the diagnosis and guides when necessary.

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