February 21, 2025
Celler Strasse, Hambühren, Ovelgönne 29314, Germany
Medical Sciences and Tutorials Surgery

Belly Fat Removal

measuring tape, measure, belly

Belly Fat Removal

What is Belly Fat?
Belly Fat Removal Methods
What is Regional Fat Removal?
How to Perform Belly Fat Removal?
Things to Know About Belly Fat Removal
Benefits of Liposuction
Belly Fat Removal Prices

Due to the excess weight gained, lubrication may occur in certain parts of the human body. One of the areas where this fat is seen frequently is the belly area. Belly fat can physically disturb the person, as well as cause other negative effects such as limitation of movement and some health problems. Although diet and exercise are preferred to remove belly fat, sometimes these methods may not yield results. Surgery may be an alternative way for those who cannot make positive progress despite such lifestyle changes. Fat removal, which is not a weight loss method, is a preferred method for removing belly fat cells when the person is not overweight and only has regional fat. If you want to learn more about belly fat removal, you can follow the rest of the article.

What is Belly Fat?

With increasing weight, the body fat ratio also increases. Conditions such as insufficient physical activity, irregular and unbalanced nutrition are among the main causes of increase in body fat. Increased fat may tend to accumulate in the belly area for reasons such as menopause, advancing age, and genetic factors. Increasing belly fat can prepare the ground for various health problems as well as aesthetic concerns. Some of these problems are:

cardiovascular diseases
Insulin resistance
Sleep apnea
increase in blood pressure
risk of premature death
type 2 diabetes
Although there are changes that can be made in the flow of daily life such as diet and exercise to get rid of increased belly fat, sometimes these changes may be insufficient for the person. In cases of severe lubrication, belly fat removal may be preferred to remove belly fat.

belly fat

Belly Fat Removal Methods

There are two types of methods that can be applied by experts to remove or reduce belly fat. The first of these is liposuction, which is a surgical procedure, and the other is non-invasive skin tightening procedures that do not involve surgical procedures. Procedures other than liposuction usually involve stretching the abdomen of people whose weight is close to ideal, or removing the fat at certain points by freezing it. Abdominal fat removal, on the other hand, corresponds to the medical literature as liposuction.

What is Regional Fat Removal?

Liposuction is a liposuction procedure that can be applied not only to remove abdominal fat, but also to hip, thigh, arm and neck. Not only are fats removed, but these areas are also shaped as a result of the procedure. Liposuction, which is a regional fat removal procedure, reduces the number of fat cells in that area and balances the increased fat cell mass with weight.


This type of liposuction is generally the most commonly applied liposuction. First of all, saline water, anesthetic agent and medicine are injected into the area to be applied to narrow the blood vessels. The area to be treated with these substances hardens. Afterwards, thin incisions are made by the surgeon, a thin tube is inserted into the area, and the swollen fat cells are sucked out by absorbing the given liquid.


This type of liposuction involves tearing the walls of fat cells with a metal rod placed in the body before fat removal. It is easier to remove the fat cells whose walls are torn.


This technique is similar to ultrasound-assisted liposuction. However, in this process, a metal rod that emits ultrasonic energy is not used to break down fats. Instead, high-intensity laser light is used to break down fat. With the help of an incision, a laser fiber is inserted into the area to break up the fat deposits.


It is generally a preferred method in large-volume fat removal or repetitive liposuction procedures. In this method, the tube used for oil intake is used by making back and forth movements. The vibration created in this way not only allows the fat to be removed faster, but also increases the sensitivity of the fat cells.

How to Perform Belly Fat Removal?

After the decision for belly fat removal is made by the person and approved by the surgeon, the procedure is started. First of all, lines and circles can be drawn on the navel to be treated. After the belly fat removal method to be applied is selected, the procedures are started. Some types of liposuction require general anesthesia, while for others, only local anesthesia is sufficient. It may also be necessary to administer a sedative intravenously to keep the person calm during local anesthesia. For the procedure, first incisions are made where the tube will be placed. With the help of these cuts, the tube is delivered to the oils, and the oil is absorbed by a device. Laser, ultrasonic metal rod or reciprocating tube can be used to support the process. It may take several hours for the oils to be absorbed with the aid of the device. The duration generally depends on the amount of fat to be removed from the person and the type of liposuction applied. Depending on the condition of the person after the procedure, the person can be discharged within a few hours or the person can be accommodated in the hospital for a few nights. After the procedure, mild pain, swelling and bruising may occur in the belly area. This is perfectly normal. In some cases, the doctor considers it appropriate to prescribe certain medications, such as pain relievers or antibiotics. After the procedure, it is necessary to stay away from exercise and activities that work the belly area for a while.

Things to Know About Belly Fat Removal

Like every surgical procedure, there are points to be considered about belly fat removal. This procedure cannot be applied to every person, and some people are more suitable candidates for liposuction. The points to be known about before and after the procedure are as follows:

If the person has navel cracks, this process does not affect their elimination.
The experience of the surgeon performing the procedure is very important for a quality procedure.
The practices recommended by the surgeon must be strictly followed.
Symptoms such as bruising, pain and bleeding may occur after the procedure.
Although the fat cells are removed permanently, an irregular diet and insufficient physical activity can cause belly fat again as a result of new fat cell formation.
Skin elasticity is important in the appearance that will occur after liposuction.
People who are severely obese, smokers, older, have serious illnesses, and use blood thinners are generally not considered suitable for this procedure.

Benefits of Liposuction

Belly fat removal, which is generally applied as a cosmetic procedure, can also be used in the treatment of various problems. One of the benefits of liposuction is to solve the problem of edema due to lubrication. Fat cells accumulating in certain parts of the body can cause pain and swelling as a result of fluid retention, causing edema. Fats removed by liposuction help relieve these pains. At the same time, the risk of obesity is reduced by taking fat. Sometimes, while fat accumulates at some points in people, there is no fat at some points. In this problem known as lipodystrophy syndrome, liposuction helps to obtain a natural appearance by removing the fat from the area that causes the fat cell imbalance. With the liposuction process, the fat cells in the area cannot grow again as they are completely removed; but cells from other body parts can come to this region. Liposuction can also be a good method to prevent diseases with increased risk due to belly fat. With the fats taken, the mobility of the person is also increased, and thus the posture disorders are partially corrected. The most important benefit of the procedure is to increase the self-confidence by getting away from the image that the person is uncomfortable with.

Belly Fat Removal Prices

The prices of belly fat removal, which is considered as one of the procedures called cosmetic surgery, is another matter of curiosity. While the method applied can provide variation in price, factors such as the surgeon’s level of expertise, the duration of the operation, the amount of fat to be removed play a role in pricing. At the same time, the technological competence of the hospital where the procedure will be performed and the quality of the equipment used are also a factor in the prices of regional liposuction.

If you are suffering from belly fat problem, you can apply to a health institution for help.